Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Pat-Down...

I did get man-handled yesterday on the plane, but it wasn't TSA. It was a bumpy flight and the lady sitting next to me was a nervous flyer... everytime we'd hit some turbulence, she grabbed my arm. After her 3rd apology, I started visiting with her - she was on her way to Nashville to visit her grandkids. I tried to take her mind off the flying and keep from getting bruises on my forearm. Once distracted, she was fine... until we approached the Minneapolis area.

"Are we going down? I really hate this part," she said.

"Well, we're not going down, but we are on approach for the airport," I joked. About that time, there was a loud "clunk" and a thump as the landing gear came down. This time, she grabbed my knee... "Ma'am, I have to tell you that my wife doesn't let me date anymore." ;-D

She was embarrassed and apologized again. I showed her on the airport map how to get to her next gate while we taxied in. With the late flight, she had missed her connection, but the folks at SUX knew that was coming and had already booked her on a later flight. Hope she's enjoying Nashville.

On the REALLY bright side, my lovely wife, daughter, and son-in-law were waiting for me at the airport when I got in about an hour late. The GPS feature in the headrest on the plane was interesting to watch... and showed an 80 mph headwind, and once on the ground the turn from the runway to the angled-off taxiway was made at 96 mph! Sure beats the heck out of the ice and snow on the MSP runways.

The four of us went out for a nice supper and plenty of conversation. Home is where we park the HitchHiker, and it is good to be home.

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