Monday, November 3, 2014

Mind in the gutter...

Well, more like: gutters on the mind.

My C-Brats friend Charlie made a recent comment along the lines of: "Your lives are a perpetual vacation..."  Well, there is some work that gets done, too.

The two day project that has spanned over 3 days was the always-glamorous cleaning the gutters.  I know- you're thinking: "But, it is in a sub-tropical paradise, so even cleaning rain gutters must fun!"

You would be mistaken.  Or, as they say around here: "Usted esta' equivacado."

Our lot slopes towards the back (where the canal is)... as you move that way with the ladder, it gets to be more of a climb and a reach.  One of us is more nimble than the other.  I climbed up on the roof the other day to re-seal around roof vents (yes, another fun vacation event) and hurt for a couple days.  Joan said she'd do the ladder work, if I would do the schlepping (go-fer).  Deal.

To add to the fun, about 15 minutes before we finished, it started sprinkling.  No, not a downpour, just Mother Nature messing with us... a 10% chance of precip today.  Funny, Mother Nature; real funny.

We were both grubby when we came in.  Little Izzy was doing her you-can't-find-me routine again...

Um... yes, we can.  Bounding out from under that blanket, Izzy said, "It is almost noon!  I was SO worried about you!  What would happen if Mom fell off the ladder and landed on you??  Who would feed me my lunch??"

Here concern for our welfare is touching.  Must be from that perpetual vacation we find ourselves in.  ;-)


MarkJ said...

What was Charlie thinking? You have to take out your SUP for morning "walks", not to mention those scoots have to be stretched out almost daily! Throw in some guitar "work" so the strings won't go bad, and Izzy needs a pizza run now and then. How DO YOU DO IT ALL???

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

It's a grind. ;-)

C.Michael Taylor said...

When I see Joan up the ladder, I have to think that you and I must be pretty smooth talkers to get out girls to go to such heights all in the name of love....I got mine from my dad....where did you learn your gift for gab..?

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

If you can't smooth talk, fake a groin injury! ;-)

Charlie-Captain's Cat said...

Charlie spent a couple of hours watching 4 guys putting leaf guards on three buildings so he'd never have to do that again!