Friday, December 5, 2014

Getting serious...

We ordered photos... fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.  Must be Christmas.

Sometimes I miss the "good ol' days, " when we had a full color lab.  Nahhhhhhhh!  The photos are never what we would have made for color and density, but they are what they are.

Also on the agenda today: nailing down the last of the reservations for getting out and about with the RV.  Nice to be able to do that online with most places.  That whole "reach out and touch someone" ads of yesteryear from the phone company really over-rated that experience.  ;-)

Arizona is going to be a busy place this winter... the Superbowl... Escapees National Escapade... spring training for baseball... the RV resorts there shouldn't have a problem with keeping sites full.

Let me go on record stating that you can't have a sense of humor with most of those resorts... under "Pets", you should not state that you have a big wild cat and request being in a site away from dogs that might be eaten by the aforementioned big wild cat; especially if those dogs poop in your site.  Also, do not list your scooters as "hogs".  Or club affiliation as "CIA, covert ops."

Cue the theme music to Mission Impossible.

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