Tuesday, December 15, 2015


The storage in the Aspect is smart - it holds more than you'd think.  Well, more than what I think it can.  Of course, Joan is a good packer and a wonderful detail person.  Except for a few personal items and some food, that compact coach is ready to roll.

Even though I still feel like I was hit by a truck, I am ready to hit the road.  Can't wait to see our little girl, her husband, and the grandcats.

Looking at weather along our route, the forecasts look good for no precip... not so good for the temps: lows in the 20s in west Texas and New Mexico.  Winds (of course) mostly on the nose.  On the bright side, fuel prices are the lowest they've been in a while.  Thanks to the new gas station at our local Walmart, we paid $1.59 for unleaded yesterday; the lowest price in the Rio Grande Valley.  Gas war aside, I know we will pay more along our route, but it is a good way to start.

It hasn't felt like Christmas in the house - knowing we wouldn't be here for the holiday, we didn't decorate.  We did get a small tree and some ornaments for the motorhome.  Joan had it plugged in last night while we were still loading... nice.  I will be a happy boy to not have to deal with snow for this trip.  The tree is white - that is just the right amount of "White Christmas" for me.  ;-)

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