Monday, May 10, 2010

Heading South...

Well, an hour and a half south of our current position. And not far enough south to make a difference in the snitty weather Mother Nature tossed at us today... it was supposed to be a high of 53ยบ and occasional showers. It never made it out of the 40s, the wind blew like stink, and it rained. We drove to visit my Brother-in-law, John, today. Yes, this is the John who visited us in Texas in March.

It was great to see him again, and get the tour of his "basement project" and his new 67 year old airplane (a PA-11 for those of you who know Cubs)...

The time flew by. Unfortunately, Mother Nature didn't allow for me to get some flight time in the Cub today. John taught me to fly in a Cub when I was 16. Next time, for sure.

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