Sunday, May 29, 2011

TV signal?

It was a long, physical day of boat inspecting yesterday... these ol' bones felt it this morning when I got up early. I turned on the TV... nothing; no satellite reception. Easy to see why when I looked out in the first bit of light: a wet snow is falling. And there's a disadvantage of the VuQube: get a layer of snow on it, and the small dish inside can't see out. I put on boots and a jacket and swept off the cube. And almost as fast as I swept it, another layer stuck. In order to get a view of the southern sky, we have the cube about 50' away from the coach... walking through the winter wonderland. Huh

More snow adding to the snowpack - just what this area doesn't need.

When I opened the shade, little Izzy looked out, looked at me, and said, "Yeah, I'm not going out in that stuff." Smart cat.

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