Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blowing like stink...

That's been an on-going condition here, with an occasional (blissful) calm day... and not just since we've been back. Our neighbor said it was like that through most of the summer, while we were up north.

Today, the wind was blowing 26 mph, with gusts well above 30. Nice thing about a pilothouse boat like Wild Blue: you can open windows - or close them - to allow as much or as little air flow as desired. We decided to get out on the water, despite the winds. Running fairly slow means less salt spray as we drove through the 2 foot waves, built up on a fairly short fetch in the Port Isabel Channel. Turning into the ship channel, we could stay to the south side of it, minimizing the wave action.

We pulled into one of our favorite coves to drop the anchor for lunch... even with the protection of land nearby, Wild Blue rocked and rolled pretty good. Joan cooked us a fine lunch while I stayed out of the way in the cockpit. For over an hour, we saw only one other boat, this Coast Guard buoy tender...

No boats...

Joan stretched out for a while, while I did some surfing... um, on the iPad, not a surfboard.

It was a couple hours later, mid-afternoon, when a few other recreational boats decided to get out. Other than the wind, it was a beautiful day - mostly sunny, 80º, around 50% humidity.

It's after dark now, and the wind has eased into the mid-teens, even though the weather weasels are calling for 23 mph during the night... oh, and warm (76º) and humid.

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