Saturday, June 21, 2014

Marina Sunrise and a cute cat...

Of course, I'm talking about Izzy.  She is very comfortable in the boat.  She likes to sit by the window, keeping an eye on all that goes on around "her" boat.  Coming back from a dock walk yesterday, we saw a dog coming running down the dock towards us.  I unhooked Izzy's leash and let her hop into Wild Blue's cockpit.  The dog turned at our dock, ran past me and stuck his head in our cockpit... the sweet little kitty turned into lioness as she hissed and moved towards the dog.  The dog (3 times her size) retreated.  There is a leash rule here, but many people with dogs think it doesn't apply to them.

Little Izzy enjoying time in the cockpit yesterday...

Sunrise this morning...

Looks like the start of another nice day in Friday Harbor.

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