Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Not the Carly Simon song.

We will be picking up Steph and Dan at the airport today.  Can't wait to see them!

Mother Nature found out that Steph is coming and sent the cold front yesterday.  The wind howled all night but is down to about a half gazillion miles per hour this morning.  And 51º.  But, the sky is blue and the sun is shining.  And our hearts are filled with warmth.

Merry Christmas one and all!


On edit: the anticipation expands... they have to change planes on the way here, and the plane that is supposed to bring on this last leg is delayed.  First an hour... now, pushing two.  I feel bad that my baby and her Honey have to sit it out in an airport, but this only increases the anticipation.

Just don't want a repeat of "the Christmas miracle of 2004" when we actually got a dusting of snow here... first time in 109 years.  And Steph and Dan got caught overnight in Houston on Christmas Eve.

We were planning lunch out after picking them up.  Hoping that still happens, but in the meantime, I am snitching sweets... so much for being good.  ;-)

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