Saturday, December 13, 2008

The lights are off the boat and the house is decorated...

Tonight, we went "walking in a winter wonderland"... well, we walked through the neighborhood, admiring the Christmas lights decorating the homes (we aren't the only ones). At 8:00, it was still 70º; instead of coats and boots, we were in shorts and t-shirts... my idea of proper winter attire.

Hope your holidays are Merry & Bright!

Monday, December 8, 2008

December 6th was the Lighted Boat Parade in Port Isabel. We spent a couple days decorating Wild Blue. When Saturday came, the weather was the best we've seen in many years of this parade: temp in the 60s, clear sky, and very little wind! Here's a look at some of the boats:

And here's how Wild Blue looked (for one night)...

Good enough to give us Second Place in our division. The Chamber gave out t-shirts, we had an awards ceremony at Louie's, and everyone who participated (and there were more boats and great displays) brought home some kind of prizes. A great way to start the holiday season!