Friday, June 27, 2008

Saying Good-bye...

Friday, June 27. Today is our "Monday", the first day of work for us for the next 3 1/2 days. It's also the morning we have to say Good-bye to our daughter and son-in-law. Steph, Dan, and Joan are going out with me on my first cruise this morning. It is a beautiful clear morning - should be beautiful out on the water. Steph is not a "water" person... generally when she comes to visit us in south Texas, we have to guilt her into going out on our boat... usually we can coax her, since we know we will see dolphins. No dolphins here on Yellowstone Lake, but the scenery is magnificent. I am pleased that they will get to see what I do for my "summer job". ;-)

When we get back in from the cruise, Joan will have to go to work in the office, and Steph and Dan will head for home. A sad time for me because of the parting, but we have had a wonderful visit.

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