Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A VERY Short Travel Day...

We were able to get a second night in this campground, with the understanding we'd have to move to a different site. I was told to check back in the morning... just in case. Well, Mother Nature decided to grace us with a steady rain. Checking in at the office, we did have to move... in the rain. We pulled in the slides and unhooked all the utilities. Instead of putting everything away nicely, I put it all in the pickup bed. We hooked up to the HH and pulled a whole 500 yards or so. Then got to set up... in the rain. About 15 minutes after we were settled back in, it quit raining. Momma Nature does have a sense of humor.

We had planned a drive to Taos for the afternoon, but have decided to stay around the coach. Maybe get some laundry done. We've been running for days, so we'll make this another easy day.

Izzy got to go for a couple walks through the desert plants when it dried up.
And settled in for the evening on Joan's lap...
While walking Iz in the early evening, a gust blew in... the sky quickly turned gray. Looks like we're in for another night of rain. It does make for some dramatic sky images, though...

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