Sunday, December 12, 2010


I have made jokes about registering the phrases: Snow sux, cold sux, ice sux, and many other references to how miserable winter weather is for those forced to endure it. Each time you say one of those phrases, you have to pay me a royalty.

Why "SUX" instead of "sucks", you're asking? Look up the airport identifier SUX to see where I mis-spent my youth. Pretty appropriate.

It is 8 degrees as I write this (in the middle of the afternoon); it will be below zero tonight with wind chill numbers too ridiculous to comprehend for those of us used to life in the Tropical Tip. Oh, sure, I spent many years in the frozen northland... some might say I even used to enjoy skiing, chopping wood, and all that other winter Paul Bunyon crap. I was young - I didn't know better.

One of my Florida friends who didn't know why I'm here asked if I was crazy.

No, but a few more days of this crap and I'll make Jack Nicholson in The Shining look like the Good Humor Man.

The sun just poked through the clouds and it was such a welcome relief as I sit by the window. The same window where the visibility yesterday was a couple hundred feet due to blowing snow. I love the sun. I was half inclined to run outside and make naked snow angels. Now, that's crazy!

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