Monday, December 26, 2011

Family portrait day...

It's been a while since we've done a family portrait - it used to be an annual ritual. This year, we did plan for it before Steph and Dan came to visit, mostly so we could have a "theme." Casual, like our lifestyle, was the plan. We originally had it scheduled for Friday, but Mother Nature had other ideas with the rain and wind. Saturday - more drizzly rain and wind. Sunday - not much drizzle, but plenty of wind. So, today was it... we had to work with the wind, but we were blessed with beautiful overcast light.

Here are a few of the images from the session...

As you might expect, the family was done with a timer. I photographed Steph and Dan, she took the images for Joan and me.

With the session done, we went out for a nice lunch, did a bit of after-Christmas shopping, a tour around the businesses in the lighthouse square, then back home so they could get packed for the trip back to Arizona.

The time has passed quickly for their visit.

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