The "circus train" left today! We are settled in in Victoria. The wild flowers along the way were beautiful and the prickly pear cacti were also in bloom. The state/counties don't mow this time of year, so you get to enjoy the palette of colors. We did run into some road construction on Hwy 77 between the Sarita check point and Kingsville... fresh chip seal, so passing trucks tossed gravel. The really fun part: they were spraying fresh oil on the road in one section... with the right lane closed and the left lane down to
just barely enough room to keep the wheels on the pavement, we slowed down as we approached the road spraying equipment and then sped up to get past quickly... through a cloud of blowing oil in the 25 mph winds.
We like this RV park, so we'll stay a couple days.
We requested a pull through site at the RV park. It just accommodates our 65' length, but (of course) the trees are positioned so they'd interfere with the slides. We unhooked the motorcycle trailer and repositioned the HitchHiker to fit the tree openings, then tucked the cargo trailer in close. No big deal. When we're ready to leave, it will take less than 60 seconds to roll the cargo trailer over a bit and hook up. It's a nice concrete pad and pretty landscaping. No problem finding an easy spot for the VuQube at the back of the coach. The park has cable, pool, hot tub... and accepts Passport America (this time of year), so only $13.88 per night. A good deal for a nice park like this.

The important stuff: little Izzy is a very impressive travel cat. For the first couple minutes, she went from sitting beside me to sitting beside Joan to sitting on the center console... but quickly settled on a blanket on Joan's lap. If I could teach Izzy to drive, I'd do that, too. We stopped once for fuel and a bite to eat, and Izzy went right into her carrier when the truck stopped. No fuss, no screaming, no projectile vomiting (Smoke, our first cat, did all that) - Izzy is a champ.

It's been three months since we towed this. The wind varied from crosswind to right on the nose today. It's been out of the south for a couple weeks... until we got ready to head north today... and then it switched to NNW and ramped up. On the bright side, it kept the humidity down and we were able to do our part to keep the oil industry profitable. Now that we are settled in, the wind has clocked more easterly and is supposed to go south again this evening. Of course. We got around 9 mpg today. Big Red purred and pulled. The rig is comfortable and stable, even in a crosswind.
It's good to be wandering again.