We took Wild Blue out our canal, through the swingbridge, under the causeway, around to the other side of Port Isabel, and tied up at Herb's dock.

We had a great visit with Herb and Wilma out on the patio overlooking their boathouse. They have a 360º view from their beautiful home; we could have watched the fireworks from one of their decks, but it was an excuse to go out on the Laguna, drop the anchor, and raft up the boats.
We chugged off into the darkness... and had the whole Laguna to ourselves. Not another small boat out there anywhere. We dropped and set the anchor, then Herb pulled up alongside us. It took a couple moments to figure the best logistics of fenders and where to tie off with the two different hull shapes. As usual, the wind was blowing more than forecast, so instead of visiting between the two boats, we set up chairs in Wild Blue's cockpit and the four of us visited there.
Herb and Wilma are great folks. We have a lot in common and the conversation is always lively. Oh, yeah - and there were fireworks. They started 15 minutes earlier than we were told and only lasted for a few minutes. But, we enjoyed the visiting until it was past all of our bedtimes. We unrafted, said our good nights, and parted company.
The car traffic on the causeway had been bumper-to-bumper all day. Getting around by boat was the best way to enjoy this evening out.
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