A sun break! Didn't last long, but I have proof...

We put the little car in line for the ferry, then walked around a bit before heading off the island. When we've been here in the past, it has been by boat. These past couple days, we had the opportunity to explore the island by car. The "highlights", Friday Harbor, Roche Harbor, English Camp, are all places folks said we should see... and we have, by boat. Driving across the middle of the island, you could have been in any rolling hills, forested two lane area. It is those unique places along the shore that make this area so special.
Our last look around the marina, I found this boat again...

This is something Joan frequently calls me... you have to say it with a bit of sarcasm to get the full effect. I may see if they need a deckhand.
Not as many cars heading onto the ferry today as when we came from Anacortes. There was a school bus full of high school age kids - boys in ties, the girls dressed nicely; must be on a field trip or maybe heading to a basketball game? They were well behaved. Plenty of room for everyone, with space to spare...

I'm guessing it doesn't look like that during the summer. Our parting view of the marina...

We watched that seaplane come in, but I didn't have the camera out. And, we're off...

My phone with the Navionics app this time...

I had to take a second look to see what this was; the zoom lens helps...

It's a large propane truck on a small ferry. Understandable - you can't take hazardous materials on a passenger ferry.
It wasn't perfectly smooth, like the trip over, but the ceiling was higher and no precip. We could see snow on the mountains as we approached Anacortes. It seemed chillier and windier than the weather at Friday Harbor.
We stopped a couple times on the way back towards Seattle; a nice lunch out and luggage shopping. Seems that we were maxed in our luggage on the way here, and we picked up some stuff at the boat show and some study materials for when we come back this summer. Plenty of traffic late afternoon; I think the pace of island time suits us better.
The time was short, but we really have enjoyed being here.