Wednesday, September 24, 2014

In/Out and a new toy...

A hazy, humid day in the Tropical Tip.  There are some showers in the area, but nothing more than a few sprinkles right here.  It feels like a good rain would cool things off, but it just might make it more humid.

The view of the canal from our deck this morning...

We are getting moved back into the house, but there are some things that to go to the HitchHiker; plus the fact that we need to go check on it...

Seems that it did fine without us this summer. 

The storage unit for the HitchHiker is inland, about a 45 minute drive.  Little Izzy stayed home while we went out there.  She settled in at the house faster than we have - might be the fact that we move all her stuff for her.

One of the things in the gift basket that Steph and Dan gave us was a toy for Izzy.  Joan put it out for her...

She wasn't so sure about it.  The toy has a "tail" that rolls around just outside the edge of the fabric.  The premise is: the cat will chase that.  The reality is: Izzy isn't so sure about it.  It brings up the usual cat question - Does it eat cats?  Do cats eat it?

She hasn't chased the tail, yet, but she is getting a bit more curious about this strange thing.

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