The run and hide their heads...
If you said, "The song Rain, by the Beatles, 1966," you get 10 bonus points. If you said, "It's the B-side of the song Paperback Writer," you get an additional 10 bonus points.
The big story on the local news: rain here in Phoenix. Varying amounts around the Valley, but it was enough to fully wet the pavers in our courtyard. Some places reported getting "a half inch per hour." I don't think we got in on that, but it's good to see some precipitation.
Alas, for Murphy, that means he and I are not going out for a morning walk. It is part of his routine, and I can tell he is missing it. Joan said, "You may have to walk around in the garage," but instead, she went to the garage and brought in what she is calling "Murphy's rainy-day toys" - foremost, the fuzzy ball and feather on a long wand that waves around on its own. It was Murphy's favorite toy when we first got him, and he spent hours playing with it... it wasn't a big hit this morning, but he did spend some time with it...
Looks like we will have spotty rain most of the day. Murphy is on his kitchen bar stool, looking outside...
Murph did get some time outside - the rain stopped, the sun came out for about 20 minutes and dried things up enough that we got out...
You can see Murphy by the gate in that photo above. He is a happy boy. And, below, is a better look at Joan's "yard enhancements"...
Many of them have lights on or around them - looks even better at night. And, speaking of dark, that black cloud in the above views to the west was moving our way. Murphy got a good half hour of wandering around the yard before we made the decision to go back inside; just before the sprinkles started again. Good timing.
There is a cold wind to go with the rain and clouds; the temperatures won't get out of the 50s today. About 20º or more cooler than what we've had the last couple of weeks. I guess it is still winter in the desert. On that note, the weather folks were reporting white-out conditions due to snow in the Flagstaff area. The Interstate wasn't closed there, but officials were recommending putting off travel in that area until conditions improve. The morning weather person was talking about a "Weather Travel Alert" here in the Valley this morning, due to low visibility and wet roads.
No place we have to be.