Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Some days you just have stuff to do.  Nothing to do with playing.  I needed to change oil in the scoots and Joan had a sewing project she wanted to get done: we have been using place mats on the dining table in the Aspect, and she wants a fitted tablecloth.  Today was the day.

After lunch out (yeah, that is our routine), I got my oil changing stuff out and went to work on the scoots.  Not a big deal - they take less than a quart each.  I look the oil over at each change - no shiny stuff from Joan's scoot, one very small fleck of metal from mine.  They are good to go.

Joan had picked out fabric a while back, and went to work sewing while she made a roast for supper with the kids tonight; good multi-tasking.  She drew out a sketch of what she wanted and fitted it in place when we got back after supper...

It is a pretty wood table, but it is nice to have something over that to protect the wood.  It has two built-in cup holders.  She double-stitched around those circles, then cut and fit the openings in place.  It looks good and goes great with the rest of the earth-tone interior.

As usual, she made extra with supper - gives Steph and Dan leftovers to take for lunch.  We are their "housewife" when we're here.  Well, she is... I'm just the helper, usually by staying out of the way.

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