Saturday, August 6, 2016

T is for...

Transients.  As in: transient Orcas.  J-Pod has gone back out to the Pacific, so finding Ts would be the only way we'd see Orcas today.

The morning started with a couple deer and a rabbit out our dinette window.  I've come to expect that this season - kinda enjoy watching the little ones grow.

I didn't have a morning trip, so Izzy got to have some outdoor time...

'Till she was ready to come in...

I had a first mate who needed safety training, so I went in early to prep the boat and have time for the training.  The only whale report I had was for a group of transients who were a ways away and moving further away.  My afternoon trip was a private charter for a wedding party.  The couple was a bride and bride, and they and their group were fun folks.  I let them know that the trip would run long if we went for the only whale report I had... they had their rehearsal scheduled pretty tight after the trip, but decided (since all their wedding party was on the boat), that they really wanted to see whales.

Off to Canada again, this time to Tumbo Channel, north of Saturna Island (for those following along with an atlas).  It was breezy on the scoot commute to Roche, but the water on this trip was very pleasant.  Yes, we got to the whales.  First view...

After some very nice viewing, I gave the naturalist a 5 minute warning.  The bride and bride were pretty firm on being back by 5:30, and we had a long ways to go.  Saying good-bye to the transients...

A very happy group on the bow...

No sunset, but some pretty light on Mt. Baker on the way home...

We found some other wildlife for them along the way, and pulled up to the dock at 5:29.

"How's that?" I asked.

Chants of "Jim!  Jim!  Jim!"  Kayak guide Alex grabbed the bow line for us during this and said, "Don't do that - it will just go to his head!"

I mentioned in an earlier post today about the chilly weather.  On the scoot ride home, I could see leaves that were showing some color.  The trees are confused with Mother Nature, too, I guess.

Nice day on the water.

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