Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Here we go again...


No, that isn't a Dolly Parton song - that is "Here You Come Again," so... no bonus points for you.  "Are you talking about the election, Jim?"  Oh, yeah, I heard something about that.  I am hoping this means the end of the political ads, texts, e-mails, and phone calls.

"Oh, are you talking about more construction workers at your house?"  Yes; only two expected today: painters (inside and out) and the concrete subcontractor.  But, we still have to be around until they are done; or in the case of the concrete guys: until they decide what they're going to do and get something scheduled.

So, in the spirit of happiness that things are coming to a close (election and one-year stuff with the house), here's a photo of Murphy the cat...

 And, a shot I took last night with my phone: the evening sky...

If you haven't already, get out there and vote.  It's been a long shit-show of a Presidential race.  The pollsters and media are calling it 49% to 49% (or something very close to that).  Odds are pretty good we won't know the outcome right away.  One candidate is already trying to question the validity of the election.  Pretty sure the shit-show will continue.  So, enjoy the photos of Murphy and the evening sky above.


It is a brisk start to the day.  Joan put on a jacket to take Murphy outside.  And, of course, that meant Murph had to have on a jacket, too.  Well, a vest, to be more accurate...

That is the first time wearing a jacket; he is not bothered by having that put on him.  I think he looks rather sporty!

That was a purchase Joan made for Rufus; it looked like a cape on that big boy.  Murphy has grown a bunch since we got him, but he will never be as big as Ruf was.  I think Murphy is taller, though.  Joan likes to measure our cats, but that is not an exact science... since they move a bunch.  As close as she can figure, Murphy is 37" from nose to tail.  He is an inch longer and a half inch bigger around.  Not sure what we'll do with that information.


Earl49 said...

Great shots of Murphy, all kitties all the time. 'Nuff said about the election.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Earl.