Monday, September 5, 2011

Last dinner cruise...

I did my last dinner cruise this evening. For a while, it looked like Mother Nature was going to rain down on us... well, it sure looked that way on radar. We saw some virga over the mountains, but we didn't get the rain on the island. The marina manager called on the radio during the meal to let us know that there was a weather advisory for wind: expect gusts to 40 mph. Well, that sounds like fun.

Shortly after that call, a gust front blew through with winds I'd estimate around 20... that lasted less than 5 minutes, and then the wind dropped. A beautiful, but overcast evening. Great guests, a nice meal, we even saw a rainbow on the way home. A very pleasant way to finish my last dinner cruise.

One more breakfast cruise tomorrow morning, and I am done with the meal cruises. We'll still be doing scenic cruises until the marina closes on September 18th. Time is flying.

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