Friday, February 10, 2017


We were treated to a lovely view of the moon as we came out of the restaurant this evening (it had been cloudy at the horizon prior to that)... the four of us oooooohhhed and ahhhhhhhhhed.  Of course, I didn't have my camera with me.

By the time we got home (well, back to the coach), it looked like this...

No detail at all.  Which was still a bit better than what came next: solid overcast, no view of the moon at all.  I sat outside for a while.  Then, started checking every 15 minutes or so.  I was rewarded with this view...

While the thickest of the clouds had parted, there was still a "veil" of clouds in front of the moon; pretty to view with your eyes, but not much to photograph - diffused.  Patience paid off for this...

And just before the solid overcast, this...

Didn't get to see the eclipse, nor the comet.  But, it was an ever-changing viewing of the February Snow Moon.  And, no snow!  (I was out there in shorts)  :-)

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