Thursday, February 9, 2017

A triple feature with the Snow Moon...

Being in the big city, we get to do some running, shopping... lots of things we don't have down in the Tropical Tip.

We ran an errand for Steph and Dan today (she didn't need us in her classroom), so we get to spend some one-on-one time with the grandkitties...

It was also a "playin' with the camera day" today.  There are better than with the phone, but not a lot of light to play with.

Back at our place, I played with some depth of field...

I guess little Izzy had enough of the photo session...

"I am the queen of the jungle, and I say we are done!"

Yeah, just kidding.  That was the middle of a yawn.  Iz is too sweet for the cranky stuff, even if it does come across that way in the photo.  ;-)

About that "triple feature"... tomorrow will be the full moon, a lunar eclipse, and a comet.  Friday, just 10 minutes after the full moon peaks, so will a penumbral lunar eclipse. The moon will spend more than 4 hours coasting through Earth's outer shadow, called the penumbra, and it will appear darker than normal.  Mid-eclipse will be at 7:44 EST... so, 5:44 for us, here in Arizona.  It will probably be a bit too bright still, but the eclipse will go on for almost two more hours after that.

Tonight, a warm up...

A very striking (and clear), nearly-full moon.

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