Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Not for cash - the government shut-down didn't delay Social Security checks.  ;-) Yet.  I rarely bring up anything political here, but these dipshits in DC who can't put a budget before the President should not only NOT be getting paid, but every perk they get (like healthcare, retirement, staff, offices, etc, etc, etc) should be removed until they start doing their job.  Our government needs to get back to work.  AND, both sides of the aisle and both branches (legislative and executive) need to start working FOR the citizens of this country, and stop trying to "beat" the other side.

OK, now that I have that out of the way, progress continues on getting ready for our next outing: the scoots are strapped down in the cargo trailer and the trailer has been prepped and ready to roll.

We got a call from Discount Tire this afternoon, letting me know they have the wheel hub cover for the motorhome - that is well ahead of what they were told for availability, and makes me happy: we don't have to travel with a missing hub cover.

It probably seems that we are on a mission, but it has actually been a reasonably leisurely pace; stuff to get done each day, but we have the time.  There was still time today for our "guitar playing and Rufus brushing" routine.  The furry boy likes his routine, too.

The weather window is still looking good for our departure.

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