Monday, February 25, 2019

Well, that was easy...

The guitar class?  No, but that wasn't bad.  There was some discussion about practicing... "Yeah, I practiced for a while?"

"And by 'a while,' you mean you looked at your guitar as you walked by it?" I asked.  😆

I think I may have guilted a couple of them with the last class.  Whatever it takes to get them to practice.  Since I could see that a couple of them had improved since the last class, I made it a point to have them show the non-practicers how that chord should look.

And, at the end of the class, we played a two-chord song.  Well, I played a two-chord song slowly, and they tried to keep up... "Practice those chords and the changes will come faster for you - see you Thursday!"

We'll see how that goes.

While at Steph's school, I checked the tracking and saw that my replacement Bose PA had been delivered.  Great, now I just have to get to it before any "porch pirates" abscond with it.  Yes, it was there when I got to Steph's house; I loaded it into the car and took it back to the motorhome.  Plugged it in and tested out all the settings on each of the channels: good to go!

I put the old one in the box the new one came in, taped it up, and took it to the UPS Store.  It is slick when you have the info ahead of time: I pulled up the scan on my phone, the young lady in the store scanned it, printed the shipping label, and gave me a receipt.  Bose paid for the return shipping, and all I had to do was get it to the UPS Store.  Easy.

I have to give a big ol' kudos to Bose: they made it very easy for me to get the replacement (they trusted that I would send the original one back) and get the get the old one sent back to them.  No doubt they will do the minor repair and sell it as a refurbished unit.

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