Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well, isn't that swell...

Another day off for us. It was a cold rainy night; I woke up several times to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. As the temp dipped into the 30s, at least it was rain. We slept in this morning - for the first time since we arrived here. It was 6:40 when I checked the clock before getting up to feed Izzy and make some coffee. With my radio on, I could hear the discussion about the breakfast cruise. All seemed well, until about 10 minutes before boarding passengers when I heard the chef on the island report in that they had big wind and low visibility just blow in. A few minutes later, the wrangler who takes the chefs and food out there called in, "Teewinot, this is Elk Island; you better bring your snow pants."

More discussion, a quick poll of the passengers, and the decision to cancel the breakfast cruise. A few minutes later, we began to see the light, swirling snow at our RV. On June 17th. It doesn't look like anything will stick, just a reminder from Mother Nature about who's in charge.

Yesterday, we had planned an outing to Jenny Lake. We stopped at Signal Mountain Lodge for lunch and could see the weather moving in. Leaving the Lodge, we felt the first sprinkle. A couple miles down the road, and I said to Joan, "It looks like hail in that ugly cloud." Less than a minute later, we saw the first of the slushy splats hit the windshield. Plan change: head for home. The real hail started as I got the truck turned around. I called in on the radio to report hail, heavy rain, and lightning so the cruise boat and marina would know what is heading their way. Shortly after, the captain on the cruise boat reported that he was cutting the cruise short and heading back in.

With our days off, the weather hasn't been very cooperative. When I said something about that, Joan came back with, "Which would you prefer: on your day off or when you're on the boat?" Something to think about. ;-)

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