We had to make a run to the Northern Hills today, so we decided to play tourist along the way. The local weather guys have been saying, "This will be the peak fall colors weekend for Spearfish Canyon."
We stopped in Sturgis to visit our friends, Dick and his brother Pat, who own a motorcycle dealership there. We've known them for years; bought a lot of motorcycles from them over those years. Joan saw a scooter there that really caught her eye... yeah, we'll think about it.
On through Boulder Canyon, Deadwood, Lead, and into Spearfish Canyon. We figured it would be quiet on that road, since it is a Thursday.
Not even close - LOTS of traffic on that Scenic By-way... we all wanted to see the pretty fall colors.

It was a windy day yesterday... we think it played a part in making the Canyon "just past peak." Still, it was a beautiful drive. With the temp only predicted to be in the mid-60s today, we took the truck instead of the motorcycle. Spearfish Canyon Road was always one of our favorite drives when we lived here.
Fall lasts a short time in the mountain west - wind, cold, or even a wet snow can strip the trees, cutting the fall color show short. Not the case this year; the weather here has been beautiful for the last several weeks. Some friends from the Northeast or Midwest have commented, "Yes, but you don't have those pretty red colors..."
Sure we do...

Another relaxing day... no schedule... a late leisurely lunch. We extended our stay here for a few more days. I really like this schedule.