Friday was a good day... we spent most of the afternoon at Branson Landing (yes, including Bass Pro Shop). Big find of the day for me (besides BBQ at Famous Dave's): a very comfortable pair of boat shoes at the New Balance store. Not easy for those of us with Fred Flintstone feet. We watched the "dancing waters"...

And walked along the river...

Saturday, it was off to Silver Dollar City. It's "Harvest Festival" time - lots of craftspeople, as well as the rides and music shows. We started the day with a big breakfast buffet, and then headed off to the biggest coaster in the park: Wildfire...

Five loops and a bunch of "loose your stomach" drops and curves. OK, not the best decision I've ever made. I considered going on a second ride to see if I could find my stomach. Another sign that I'm getting older - I used to be able to do rides like this over and over... where is the kiddie train ride?

Silver Dollar City offers all kinds of music shows at the various theaters around the park. Joan used her iPhone with the SDC app to coordinate where we needed to be and at what time.

Everything from Louisiana Cajun music to theatrical broadway type shows, and all well done. Lots of craftspeople, from wood working to sidewalk chalk art to pumpkin carving, sand sculpting...

Even a display on Sorghum...

To really appreciate the above photo, you have to understand a family joke: I am not a farm boy, and any piece of farm equipment falls into two categories for me: tractor and manure-spreader. Crops are also two categories: corn and sorghum. Between you and me, I have no idea what sorghum is, but I assume no one else knows, either... so if you say "sorghum" when someone asks, "What kind of crop is that?", no one questions it. It's a long time running joke. And here, we have... sorghum!
The crowds seemed huge...

but, we rarely had to wait for any rides, and were able to get into all the shows we wanted to see. In fact, on two occasions, the ride operators asked, "Any party of 2?" and we were able to walk right onto those rides. Sure glad we didn't pay for the "Express Pass" that allows you to move to the front of the lines... for an extra $20 each.
Like at Disney World, you are a captive audience once you enter the park, and food isn't cheap. "I'll have a soda, please." "That will be $47.50" OK, I only missed that by one decimal point.
The weather was warm and lovely, so all the water rides were full...

We passed on those... didn't really want to spend the rest of the day in soggy shoes and underwear... and we saw plenty of that. On one ride, the people on the boats had water cannons, and fired at everyone outside the ride - you had to time it when you walked past that ride!
They offered a big country music show at 6:00 when the rest of the park closed... but, we had had as much fun as we could stand by that point, so we boarded up the tram for the ride back to the truck. They really do a good job of moving people, and the park is beautiful this time of year, with all the fall colors; heavily wooded and lots of hills... you get a good workout walking around the park.
Back home, we spent some patio time with little Izzy. Here's a shot of her on the steps of the Love Shack - really shows off that glorious tail...