Friday, October 21, 2011

Keep movin', movin', movin'...

I thought we were about done unloading the HitchHiker... I was wrong. We carried a bunch more stuff out of there today. I was thinking that we had gone through a lot of our stuff in the house and eliminated duplicate or no longer used items. Six months later, we have even more duplicate and no longer used items. Pretty sure I will not have to buy shoes, shirts, shorts, or jackets for at least a decade. Pretty much the same for the Blonde. Little Izzy said, "We are throwing out any of my cat toys, are we??"

No. And we aren't throwing out much - but, really, how many "ratty shirts" does a guy need? I don't do that much grubby work. ;-) But, the local boys/girls club and the animal shelter thrift shop are going to get more inventory.

The Love Shack and Big Red got a thorough scrubbing on the outside today. Another few days of this stuff and we can start relaxing... right?

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