Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The rest of the story...

I was told a 45 minute wait at the clinic... it turned out to be a bit over 3 hours.  All for about 2 minutes of discussion with a medical person to get the prescription renewed.  At one point, I opened the door of the room they put me in... I wanted to be able to see people coming and going, so I knew that people who came in after me were going out before I was seen.  I finally went out into the hall and asked if I had been forgotten.  Truly, it shouldn't come to that... but, it got results.

I specifically asked the PA to write the prescription so I could get 90 days worth at a time, since we travel a lot.  Someone else brought the prescription into the room... nope.  You don't have to say it: I will NOT be going back to this place.

On the bright side, Joan had a late lunch waiting for me when I got home.  I played guitar for a while - that is always relaxing.  Then, Joan suggested we take a late afternoon boat outing... a very good idea!

It was warm today, temps in the mid-70s, sunny and breezy.  It would have been a good day for working on the dinghy repair project... but, tomorrow will be fine, too.  We shoved off on the boat, and just plugged along.  We did see some dolphins, but a fishing boat ran right across them, and they didn't come back.

Coming back up the ship channel, we had the sparkly water Joan likes...

Further up the channel, we saw what looked like a shrimper with 4 booms...

No, it was one shrimper right behind another.

Mid-week, so not as many boats out as this past weekend.  A relaxing ride.  A big ol' sportfisher even slowed down for us as they went by... one in a row!  Nice way to end the day.

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