Saturday, July 13, 2013

Almost a day off...

We had two of the three boats booked up today... I thought I might get a day off.  I went in early to do some maintenance on the boat, stopped at the store to get Joan a sandwich, then went back to our boat for a nap.

I didn't quite get that nap.  Just closing my eyes when the phone rang... Joan said, "You have a trip today - I filled your boat."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Another trip tomorrow, then we have two days off.  That will make it 13 of the last 14 days for me.  On the bright side, most of my days are just one trip.  In the nicest part of the day.

And speaking of the nicest part of the day - this may have been the most beautiful day on the water this season!  Haro Strait was as calm as I've ever seen it.  We saw whales, the L-22s.  Clear sky, deep blue, lots of sunshine.  I could see Mt. Ranier and Mt. Baker in the distance.  A group of eagles and turkey vultures sharing a carcass.  Even Cattle Pass was an easy run... twice.  Just an absolutely beautiful day to be out on the water!

'Twas a busy day at the helm, so I didn't have time to get any photos... you'll just have to trust me.  Summer in the San Juans is about as good as it gets!


Hudson River Boater said...

I'm sure a lot of folks would consider your job a day off!!

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

It isn't a day off when you are watching out for all the guests on the boat, getting where the whales are, following all the federal and state rules (while private boaters cut in front of you), finding other interesting wildlife and scenery along the way, maintaining the boats, cleaning up after the guests, etc, etc. I'm not complaining - just saying why we all need a day off once in a while. Our boss works 7 days a week. Tomorrow is my day off... I offered to take one of his trips for him tomorrow so he can get a little down time, too. Oh, I have some maintenance to do tomorrow morning that I didn't have time to finish today. Nice day off, huh? ;-)