Saturday, December 14, 2013

That sound...

Foghorn in the distance.

It reminds me of mornings at Friday Harbor, where the fog was common.  Not so common around here.  I stepped outside to look down the canal - it looks like there is decent visibility, at least a mile.  The ship channel isn't far away; it must be thicker there.

The morning is calm.  The palm tree branches aren't moving.  63º, we have the door open.  Better to hear the sound of the foghorn and the birds.  The sound of the foghorn is getting closer.

Yesterday was a perfect day in the Tropical Tip: mid-70s, sunny, light breeze.  We made a drive into the Valley to get a motor for the dinghy.  The salesman was a dipshit; we decided to not give him our money.  Yeah, I know... I tried to buy a motor in stock.  Immediate gratification.  Gratification delayed, but that is my new policy: don't give my money to dipshits.  I may have to get some business cards printed up that say that.  ;-)

That's OK, I wouldn't be out in the fog in the dinghy, anyway.  I like the sound of a foghorn, especially when I don't have to be out in the soup.  :-)

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