Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tell 'em what you're flying...

That's an old comment from my flying days... a PA-28 can be a Cherokee, or an Archer, or an Arrow, or a Turbo Arrow.  The capabilities and speeds are different.  I was taught: "Tell 'em it's a Turbo Arrow," when talking to Air Traffic Control.

There are two internet forums on my list of favorites that recently offered something for the members: on the C-Brats (C-Dory owners group) it is a burgee (a type of flag) to fly on the boat; on the NuWa Owners Forum (our 5th wheel brand), it is an oval that you attach to the ladder on the back of the 5th wheel.

Here's a look...

The oval allows for personalization: Captain Jim & The Blonde.  The C-Brat burgee is two sided, with the mirror image on the other side.  Both very nicely done.

We will "wear 'em" proudly.

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