Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The other side...

Nothing to do with chickens crossing roads.  Nor greener grass.

"The other side" as a phrase gets used quite often... referring to the opposing team... flipping a coin... moving from one endeavor to another  (sailors going to powerboats - OK, that is often called "going to the dark side" - or switching from acoustic guitar to electric).

Man has stood on the shore, wondering what is on the other side of that big body of water.  People who are about ready to retire are anxious about what is on the other side of the working world (it's a good place, by the way).  And, of course, after death... yeah, the other side.

This really isn't as deep as all that.  Once every couple weeks, I'll post an image of the sunrise.  It is a beautiful time of day.  Most people have heard of the photographers' phrase: the golden hour.  It is referring to that time around sunset, when the light takes on a warm, soft quality; the shadows are not sharp; the whole sky becomes a light source.  Well, there is an equally unique type of light around sunrise.

Sometimes, the pretty part of sunrise is seeing the changes in the sky as the sun comes up on the horizon.  Other times, the best view comes by turning your back to the sun - seeing what that big light source is putting the light on.  The Grand Tetons is one of those places...

We were up early this morning.  After showering, Joan wanted to get laundry going.  I helped carry stuff up to the laundry... "carry" because it was too early to make the noise with our rolling cart.  Joan is considerate that way.

Instead of looking at the sun coming up - the view from our cockpit, this is the view from the bow of the boat...

And from the ramp on the way up to the laundromat...

I like this view (coming back)...

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