Wednesday, April 13, 2016

In the still of the...

... morning.  If you said, "Night," and also said, "The Five Satins, or even Boyz II Men," you get 100 bonus points.

It was a very still morning.  I'm usually up before Joan - this morning, however, she was out on the deck, enjoying her coffee, by the time I got up.  It was 75º and still.  And humid.  The canal looked like this...

The water looks like glass.  While we visited, Izzy kept the world safe for democracy... well, she kept a very close eye on the birds...

There were no other sounds this morning, except a symphony of bird calls.  I am not an avid birder, but it reminded me of the soundtrack to a jungle movie.  Truly, a lovely way to start the day.

We decided to get out for a morning bike ride, taking time to give our sweet daughter a call first.  Nice to visit with her before she heads off to work.

Stepping out the side door to get the bikes out, the humidity was heavy in the air; not a mist (yet), but the ground was wet.  We started off with some zipping around our island...

No, there are no hills on our island... just crooked camera holding.  I did get this...

We rode off our island and into the neighborhoods in PI...

The causeway pretty much disappeared in the light fog...

Joan asked me, "Did you bring your wallet?"

When I said, "Yes," she invited me to breakfast out - my treat.  A fine idea.

Breakfast at Manuel's was great, as always.  Coming outside, we were treated to a fine mist.  We pedaled for home.

At home, Izzy was wondering why we brought her carrier in - time for a visit to Dr. Julie, Izzy's vet.  Just her annual check-up, but Izzy is not a fan (I think she gets that from me).  In the waiting room...

It wasn't much of a wait.  We take the top off Izzy's carrier to make it easy to get her out.

"You can't see me when I'm under my blanket!"

Yeah, we can.  Dr. Julie's assistant weighed Iz and took her temperature.  Julie came in, did some poking and listening.  No shots needed this visit, so the temperature-taking was the main indignity.

Izzy is happy to be home.  The light mist has turned into a light rain.  I think we'll all be looking for a nap this afternoon.


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