Monday, October 17, 2016

About your credit...

We don't get a lot of phone calls.  More often than not these days, when we do get a call, it is from a telemarketer wanting to eliminate my credit card debt or extend the warranty... I assume it is in regards to the warranty for a vehicle, but they never get to that part... it is just important that I do something about it RIGHT NOW, because this is my final warning.

Of course, it is never the final warning, because these slimeballs will continue to call if you pick up your phone even once.  We eliminated land-lines about 10 years ago, and the nuisance calls pretty much stopped.  Seems they didn't go after cell phone numbers at the time.  Now, with automatic dialers, no one is immune.

We block those phone numbers immediately, but I think the numbers that come up on Caller ID are probably "phantom" as well.  Pretty sure the list of blocked callers on my phone is longer than my list of contacts.  ;-)

I have been getting a few political calls.  Since the options for political candidates is so gawd-awful this election, I have decided to make my decision based on those phone calls: whoever the caller is promoting, I will vote for the other candidate.  If they both call, I will write in for "None of the Above."  Couldn't be any worse than trying to determine "the lesser of two evils."  And that's all I'm going to say, 'cause this blog is not political.

What this blog IS... well, we all pretty much know: Izzy.

We may not be RVing right now, but little Lizzy loves her tent (Joan calls it: her house)...

Stephanie gave the pop-up tent to Izzy.  Joan made a cushy pad for it.  Izzy loves it...

The ringing phone woke her up.  It was a nuisance call on Joan's phone.  Yep, blocked.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I shaved off the mustache...

Joan said, "You look 10 years younger..."  I'm guessing that was positive reinforcement.  I was kind of enjoying the mustache; haven't had one since the 80s.  Frequently a beard or a goatee.  But, Joan prefers no mustache.  Steph agrees with her.  Iz doesn't really care.  I'm with Izzy on this.

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