Monday, May 22, 2017

Check-up day...

Again, not for Joan or me.  We have been paying for our own health insurance for decades... and more recently, paying for others' insurance... such that we avoid doctor visits.  Today, it was Izzy's check-up day.

I have mentioned that Izzy is fearless when it comes to other animals, loud noises, even traffic... not so much so when it comes to being around strange people.  OK, they don't even have to be all that strange, just people she hasn't met.  Dr. Julie, Izzy's vet, has always been friendly and soft-spoken.  Doesn't matter.  Izzy tries to hide under the blanket in her carrier.

The check-up went well.  She is good to go for another 6 months.  That is more than frequent enough for little Iz.

Dr. Julie asked about any changes we've noticed... "Well, she is 9 years old, so getting closer to that 'senior cat' stage.  She naps longer and more frequent."  To be expected.  I can't believe the "sweet baby kitty" isn't a baby anymore.  Heck, another year or so, and she should be eligible to collect Kitty Social Security.  Not sure what that entails, but I can assure you that she is well cared for.


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