Saturday, April 14, 2018

A blast from the past...

We have cat photos on display of the sweet female kitties that have been a part of our family.  It was time we included Rufus in on that.  We have taken some fun photos of him in the past two months - Joan got out our photo printer and I spent an hour or so trying to make my new MacBook Pro talk to the printer... technology makes our life so simple.  ;-)

I downloaded a current driver, reconnected the printer to our home wifi... nope.  I finally went old-school, and connected it with a cable.  Well, a cable and an adapter, because the new Mac stuff doesn't have an old fashioned USB connection.

We are getting prints.  Since we rarely print photos these days, we each picked a few off our phones to sent to the printer... and the worked fine.  Rufus now has his images on display and I made a new ID tag for his carrier.

Joan did some frame switching, and like most folks, we don't throw away old photos - they get moved back in the frame.  One of the photos she came across was this...

Yes, back in "the last century," with the motorhome on our lot and our sailboat (at the time) at the dock.  Things have certainly changed since that time: our house is on that lot.  The short palm tree above the stern of the boat had to go away to make room for the house.  There is another palm tree at the street side of the lot that was less than 6' tall - it is now about 25 to 30 feet tall.  Several other boats have occupied a space at that dock, currently Cool Change (the smallest boat we've owned).  Several other RVs since that American Coach.  Hard to tell here, but the guy standing by the mast used to have dark hair.  The pretty Blonde hasn't changed much.

And, the "cat gallery"... Smoke the cat was still with us back then.  Then Molly, Isabella, and now Rufus.

Yep, we have seen many changes in our time here.  Why, back in my day...



On edit:

So, why haven't you been out on your boat, yet?  Thanks for asking... Mother Nature.  The wind really kicked up after we got the boat to the dock - upper 20s gusting to 40.  A switch in direction from southeast to north this morning when a front rolled through.  A bit of thunder and lightning, some rain, but mostly wind.  As it is getting dark right now, the wind is finally down into the teens (17 gusting to 23).  But, it is supposed to ease off by morning, and we are planning on getting out on the boat.  Hopefully, we'll find some dolphins; but really looking forward to being out on the water again.

How'd Rufus do with the storm?  Well, it really was a pretty small cell that passed over us, but he did fine.  We hadn't gotten up yet when the front came through, and he barely stirred.  Yeah, I'd say he has gotten pretty comfortable with the house situation.

Us, too.

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