Monday, December 9, 2024

Some Assembly Required...


Those dreaded words that come around Christmas.

The Advent Calendar from a couple days ago revealed another gift for me... a cube.  Well, not an equal length and width cube, but a clear plastic cube.  "Oh, look - it's a cube!"  I had no idea what it was for.

Joan showed me that it is a cube within a cube, and you can put photos between the cubes.  And then it can be used to hold pens or other stuff on your desk.  I often forget I have "a desk"... I consider it to be a recording console or a guitar restringing workbench.  But, it is an adjustable height desk.  Again, I digress.

So, this morning, I got out the small dye-sublimation printer I have (it will print up to 4x5 inch images) and went through files to pick photos for the cube.  I wanted something with Steph & Dan, Joan & me, and the two furry boys.  Coming up with cat photos was easy - there are plenty of them.  I had to dig a bit more to find people photos.  The result...

 The Advent Calendars have proven to be a popular morning event - Murph gets excited, anticipating a new toy each day... something fun to bat underneath a cabinet so Mom or Dan can dig it out for him.  Now, I have to find something to put in my new photo cube.

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