Thursday, May 31, 2012

Maintenance and practice...

I came in this morning to do some practice on the smaller whale watch boat... hmmmm, there is NO fluid in the transmission... hmmm, there is an oil extractor sitting in the boat... hmmm, I think I better check into this a bit more.  Not long, and one of the other captains that was to monitor my practice showed up; seems that he had drained the transmission yesterday.  Good thing I didn't just get on and fire her up! ;-)

We topped off the transmission and started my practice session: all about working the boat at the tight dock situation... and working around the ferry and the Victoria Clipper III, working in conjunction to provide a BUNCH of prop wash from all directions.

"Yeah, I'm going to just sit out here for a moment, until things settle down," I said.

"Good decision," Mike came back.  Makes me wonder if that decision-making was part of the training?

A cool, drizzly day today, with precip on and off.  I fired up the radar on the boat for the first time; black & while returns sure look different than color.  Good to make sure that is functioning properly before I need it; and had we gone out with this boat today, I would have needed it.

The other (bigger) boat went out today; apparently, there were whales pretty close by.  That would be a welcome change - the trips I have done so far have taken us a lot of miles.

I stopped at the Customs office on the way back to our boat; I needed to check procedure for a charter into and out of Canada for an upcoming trip.  Yep, there's more to it than when you come and go with your own private vessel.  New things to learn each day.

Joan went in before me and was out on the big boat when I left.  If this keeps up, she may get in more sea time than I will.  I'll be waiting for her, anxious to hear how her day went... I may greet her at the door with a glass of wine and her slippers.  ;-)


Update: The boat Joan was on saw transient Orcas today, and could hear them without the Hydraphone.  More great viewing and not far to go!

Supper out tonight - no one has to cook or clean. :-)


Bob Keim said...

In a former life, we had lots of trucks. Whenever we left a truck with the oil drained, but without the new oil put back in, we always put a note with the ignition switch key struck through it that said, "NO OIL"

After all, it's a lot more convenient to drain the oil when the motor is hot, but not as nice to put the oil back in. :)

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Good idea, especially when two of us are driving/working on the boat. Thanks, BabababadBob!