Thursday, March 5, 2015

Question and answer time...

We were helpers in our daughter's class today.

Well, we didn't do much as far as advancing education; but, her class exceeded the goal Steph set for them on their food drive.  Their reward: a pizza party.  Steph paid for the pizzas, we picked them up.  We also supplied chips, cupcakes, and juice drinks.

The kids always seem excited when they have "company," especially so when it is family.  One of them asked Steph if they could ask us questions about her when she was growing up.  She said, "Absolutely!"

I looked at her and quietly said, "Do we tell the truth or do we make you sound like an angel?"

Steph said, "Tell the truth... but keep it school appropriate."

I like to make her sweat, thinking there might be a "slip."  The kids asked, we answered.  It was pretty entertaining for all of us.  And the kids were very nice about getting the party and "lunch with the teacher."


Before picking up the pizzas, we dropped the RV off at the dealership.  The part is supposed to show up this morning... we haven't heard, yet, if that is the case.  I am hoping it goes the way they said it would.

In the meantime, the owner of the lot we are on (all these lots are privately owned) brought in an electrician this morning to do a thorough check-out of the power pedestal... everything checked out fine.  That doesn't ease my concerns.


I just learned that friends of ours, John and Kathy Huggins, are going through a tough time.  Kathy had to have emergency surgery and they will be dealing with some major life changes... foremost, ending their lifestyle as full-time RVers.  Some of you may remember my writing about doing some editing for two of their books, and telling about their weekly podcast "Living The RV Dream."

If you haven't already, check out their podcasts and their website:

We send out our sincere wishes for the best possible outcome for Kathy, and our thoughts are with the both of them.

We are presented with life lessons every day.  Plan for your dreams, but go out there and live them.  John and Kathy were doing exactly that - and sharing their RV experiences with their listeners... every week.  Great dedication to the lifestyle and each other.

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