Thursday, March 19, 2015

Stir crazy..

I won't mention her name, but she has cute little furry legs.

"Has Joan not been shaving her legs?" you ask.  It's shorts weather in Phoenix - what do you think?  No, I am talking about little Izzy.

It sprinkled a bit yesterday, so we only went for one walk in the morning, and one in the evening, after we had supper with Steph and Dan.  Last night, it was a steady rain through most of the night.  I like the sound of rain on the roof.

Knowing that we don't have an agenda today, we lounged in bed this morning.  I will vouch that Joan's legs are not furry.  But, I digress.  Izzy was ready to be up before the rest of us.  She was wound up.  The Aspect is shorter than the HitchHiker, but Izzy can still get a good head of steam up as she runs from the front and launches herself up onto the bed in the back.

She jumped from the bed, ran to the front, whacked her spinning ball toy, then made another couple laps, each with a whack of the toy.

Joan raised the windowshade on her side, and Iz ran to the window... "It doesn't look the same out there!  Let's have some chow and go for a walk!"

There won't be any walking of furry cats today - we are parked on sandy gravel.  Red sandy gravel.  Have you seen the "Red Dirt Shirts"?  Until it dries out there, it would be "red dirt paws," and paw prints everywhere.

So, little Izzy is "confined to quarters" for a while.

"What's up with that?  I didn't do anything wrong!"

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