Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Making music...

Another recording session...


I am enjoying the drums for recording.  The only thing that is less than great with the Yamaha DD65 digital drums are the pedals for the bass drum and high-hat cymbals - a bit of a stretch calling them "pedals"... they are actually buttons.  Step on the bass button and you get a bass drum sound; step on the high-hat button, and it closes those cymbals.  The problem with the buttons is that they don't have enough heft to stay in place as you are playing... before long, you are "chasing" the button with your foot.

I am working on a housing of sorts for those buttons, to make them feel more like real pedals.  The music was this morning's project, the pedals are on deck for the afternoon.


Looking like a kid with his Soap Box Derby entry, here's one of the pedals...

The button is in that area towards the right in the photo.  The angle is set up so the wood impacts it direct.  I was looking for something to shim the button up on the back side, and Joan pulled out a piece of leather from a belt... yep, that'll do.  I made two pedals; cut and drilled the wood yesterday, today was assembly and testing.  They work great - should be just the thing to make the drum experience feel more like an acoustic drum set.

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