Friday, December 1, 2017

All about that bass...

... 'bout that bass, no treble.  If you said, "Meghan Trainor, 2014," you are probably a lot younger than I am and you get 25 bonus points.

We did some running and shopping in the big city (Harlingen, the other big city), including a stop at Bass Pro and lunch out with friends Mike and MJ.

We stopped at our storage unit on the way home to pick up the boat trailer - some time in the next few days, the boat is going to need to come out to clean the bottom.  If/when the dredge moves into the last canal, we'll probably pull the boat until they're done.  (Sigh)

Back home, I decided to try recording a track with the new bass... probably a bit "bass-heavy," but here it is...

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