Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Meanest Hombre West of the Pecos...

I'm fond of using that line above. It's a quote from the philosopher Yosemite Sam. ;-) Today, our travels took us from east of the Pecos to west of it. Mother Nature tossed a southwest wind our way, making for a quartering headwind, and zapped our mileage into the single digit range. We made up for the previous short driving days with about 340 miles. Crossing under a weather front took us from cloudy skies to mostly clear... and HOT. When we pulled into the Escapees RV park in Pecos, the thermometer in the truck was reading 99º. We didn't waste any time getting set up and getting the air conditioner going.

By turning off the Interstate at Fort Stockton, we will miss the Annual Blowing Dirt Festival at Van Horn (Jan. 1 through Dec. 31).

Little Izzy just keeps amazing me with her calm travel manners. She divided her time between Joan's lap and the console between us. When we needed to stop, she would get into her carrier. As hot as it is out, she had no desire to go for a walk today.

Heading for Ruidoso tomorrow and then on to Albuquerque.

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