Neither of us went in to the marina today - a first! We lounged in this morning - not a first, but it’s been a long time. Of course, we had to go into Jackson, but we weren’t in a hurry.
We did a bit of touristing on the way south. A few miles south of Colter Bay Village, we ran into a bear jam; people get stupid when there is wildlife near the road.

Rangers have to direct traffic, cars are stopped all over the place, people are standing on top of their cars. If the Rangers weren’t there, some of those people would try to approach the bears... and then would be upset when the bear bites their face off.
Further south, we stopped across from the Grand Teton to take another photo. While there, a couple asked if I’d take their photo... “Glad to.” Then they asked where we were heading next. When I told them that we work here, they were awe-struck: “That is SO cool.” I didn’t mention the 13 hour days.

Even further south, we took a couple side roads...

That is the most photographed barn in Teton County; nice view, though.
Joan was really in the mood for a steak... I’ve had my fill of steak on Elk Island, but she had picked out a very nice cut while shopping. And then something we haven’t done in many years: (no, not what you’re thinking) we started a campfire and grilled the steaks and potatoes on an open fire. While we were waiting for the fire to get to some good coals, I played guitar for my Honey. All in all, a pretty fine day.
I'll bet Joan liked the ambiance as much as the steak!
"And then something we haven’t done in many years: (no, not what you’re thinking)".
How did you know?? Sounds like a great day off!
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