Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Oh, deer...

When Joan got up this morning, she said, "I was dreaming about waffles with strawberries and whipped cream."

I guess we're going out for breakfast.  :-)

Breakfast was tasty - my usual, and the waffles for Joan.  Back at the RV, Izzy was anxious to go outside.  And, by "anxious", I mean she came out of the door like a flying squirrel when I opened it!  Fortunately, she isn't a "flight risk"... she will go a few steps, then wait for me to hook her leash on.

I needed to change out the battery in the clock on my scooter, so I put Izzy up on the seat so she could see what I was doing (not that she cares)...

Then, her head snapped around the other way... intruders!

A momma deer and her fawn.  The momma saw us and easily jumped over the fence; the baby couldn't make that jump...

The baby ran towards the road, the momma jumped back over the fence to guide the baby away.

Izzy was still on high-alert...

Even though she is on the scooter, I don't see a ride any time soon in her future.

I replaced the clock battery - surprising how often I look at that while riding.

August 4th today.  The full moon was 5 days ago.  A look at the moon this morning...

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