Not my nose.
The norther hit in the middle of the night. I could hear the wind howling outside, so I was up early (5:15) to check on the boat - it seems to be sitting fine on its lines. Damn chilly outside: the wind is now out of the north at 35mph gusting to 48. It is 55º, and that will be dropping the rest of the day.
About 5:25 am, the power went out after a particularly strong gust. Wasn't expecting that. Just yesterday, Joan was saying, "We should consider getting another portable generator, just in case..."
OK, now, the weather outside is frightful. Well, at the very least, snotty.
Before we went to bed last night, this was the forecast...
It's playing out colder and windier than forecast.
The power was out for about 3 hours.
Our power was out for about 3 hours this morning - cold north wind at
35 gusting to 48 took down some powerlines. Just enough spitty drizzle
to make it even more miserable to be out. I checked the boat at 5:15
this morning (we may be on land, but I still get that "anchor watch"
light sleep when the weather is snotty) - all good. Outside air temp
was in the low 50s and dropping. Good day to stay inside.
11:00, I glance out the window and saw that the boat (all you can see
from inside the house is the top of the bimini arch) seemed to be moving
more. I went out to look... yep, a line had pulled througha couple
feet on the stern cleat. Shoes and a winter coat on, I had to take the
cover about half off to get at the line. Sounds easy enough, took about
a half hour... some of that crawling on my knees.
Yep, I missed having a boat. And, so much for staying inside today. 
alert across the bottom of the TV: "Dangerous wind chill
temperatures"... yes, I know this is a pleasant spring day if you're
from Minnesota.
Folks down here aren't used to this kinda weather. Some homes don't
have heat. People don't have real winter foul weather clothing. It
isn't ice and blizzard, but it is damn cold to us.
Stay warm northern scooter brothers and sisters!
Around 11:00, I glanced out the window and saw that the boat (all you can see from inside the house is the top of the bimini arch) seemed to be moving more. I went out to look... yep, a line had pulled through a couple feet on the stern cleat. Shoes and a winter coat on, I had to take the cover about half off to get at the line. Sounds easy enough, took about a half hour... some of that crawling on my knees.
Yep, I missed having a boat. And, so much for staying inside today.
An alert across the bottom of the TV: "Dangerous wind chill temperatures"... yes, I know this is a pleasant spring day if you're from Minnesota.
Another edit:
Something I didn't think we'd have much use for on the Honda CR-V: seat warmers! That felt good with the cold and wind today - the weasels are reporting the wind-chill factor with this norther. Power was out about 3 hours this morning; then back on; and out again now. No snow to contend with, but there are "drifts" of downed palm branches (wind gusting to 50 mph!) all around. 45º right now, and heading lower.
am officially a "candy ass." We had to go out today to get a few
things from the store. I suggested we go out for a late lunch. Our
Honda CR-V has an accessory I didn't think we'd have much use for:
heated seats! They felt good with this snotty cold and wind. Driving
to the restaurant, I said to the Blonde, "Well, sure glad we don't have
to rely on the scoots as our only land transportation - I would have
stayed home."
12 seconds later, a young lady on a blue scooter rode through the
parking lot. She didn't look warm, but she had a smile on her face.
You could not have paid me enough to ride my scoot today. She had on a
jacket and gloves... and a 3/4 helmet with no shield. I guess young
skin isn't as brittle as this old stuff I'm covered with. 
am officially a "candy ass." We had to go out today to get a few
things from the store. I suggested we go out for a late lunch. Our
Honda CR-V has an accessory I didn't think we'd have much use for:
heated seats! They felt good with this snotty cold and wind. Driving
to the restaurant, I said to the Blonde, "Well, sure glad we don't have
to rely on the scoots as our only land transportation - I would have
stayed home."
12 seconds later, a young lady on a blue scooter rode through the
parking lot. She didn't look warm, but she had a smile on her face.
You could not have paid me enough to ride my scoot today. She had on a
jacket and gloves... and a 3/4 helmet with no shield. I guess young
skin isn't as brittle as this old stuff I'm covered with.
Driving to the restaurant, I said to the Blonde, "Well, sure glad we
don't have to rely on the scoots as our only land transportation - I
would have stayed home."
Yep, another edit:
8:30pm - the power has been out since we got back from the restaurant. An inconvenience, but not a dire situation. I know there are some folks who live in the area that use oxygen - hoping they have portable tanks. We have plenty of battery operated flashlights, a jumper battery (able to recharge phones and computers), and a catalytic heater that we used to use on the sailboats.
For now, Joan has put "electric candles" around the house... nice ambiance. There is a TV show she'd like to watch; we can power one of our TVs with the jumper battery, but apparently the cable TV in our resort is out. A quick check online shows that 1,018 residences are without power this evening; hmmmm, exactly the number of residences on our island. Guess it is just us. Cell phones are working, but no land lines - can't get Security on the phone to see if they have any time frame for the power outage.
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